Thursday, November 10, 2011

..November 11, 2011..

It was 2 years back. Waking up a bit late after being so tired that night, she got a call. "I'm going back. Can we meet for a moment?". Oh my God! It was like having thunder in her heart. No one can ever see it. Only those who know will realize. Luckily she was all alone. "OK. When and where?", she replied short. "I'll wait for you downstairs". "OK".

There they were, sitting like nothing happened. Trying so hard to be so normal. It was hard, since the girl don't know how to lie. "What time is your flight?", she asked him. "Afternoon. Will make a move shortly. Just wanna meet you before I leave.", he answered. "About your question last night, all I can say is we are just friends. There's nothing between us. I love you like I love all my friends out there. Nothing special. Hope you can understand. Whatever it is, you are still my best friend, and I am ready for that", he said.

She stunned. Silence. Slowly the tears were coming. Coming and coming again. She wiped the tears. All the words were lost. Suddenly she felt like she can't stay too long with him or she'll broke down. "OK. I think I better make a move. I got something to do upstairs. Have a safe journey. Take care.", she suddenly said. He was shocked, and hoped that the girl will stay a bit longer, but she decided to just go. She packed her lappy and go.

Inside her room, she cried so hard. The tears didn't stop. She lost. Didn't know what to do, how it could be that way. She didn't know what she felt. Anger, sad, shocked. Everything was mixing inside her heart. She's crying and crying with the hopes that all the pain could go away from her..

Slowly she's accepting the reality. Even though until now she can still remember that moment, but she take it as a better way shown by ALLAH to have a better love. Alhamdulillah, she's happy. And she always pray for the guy's happiness. The guy he used to love before....

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